Interested in joining BreakingEven?

BreakingEven is all about building connections, and we are always excited to hear from those who are interested in joining. Membership is by invite only, but we are always thrilled to receive interest from new faces who share our passion.

To get started, join Annmarie Garcia Sheahan’s mixed-level jazz class with Alley Kats Tap Company for around 9-12 months. After that, you'll have the opportunity to be an understudy for BreakingEven for about 6 months. While becoming a member isn't guaranteed, rest assured that decisions are made with care by our Artistic Director & Founder, Annmarie Garcia Sheahan.

Being part of BreakingEven means dedicating some time, so here's what you can expect: regular Sunday morning rehearsals from 9 am to 11 am, as well as additional rehearsals scheduled by our artistic director. We typically put on two major stage productions each year, so your availability during those times is key, especially during the tech week leading up to opening night.

Membership comes with some financial responsibilities, including dues and covering costs for costumes, props, and other dance essentials. At BreakingEven, we value creating a welcoming environment for everyone. All members are asked to uphold our Code of Conduct, ensuring that our community remains respectful and inclusive.

If you have any questions or want to learn more, feel free to reach out.